Here I sit at what I sincerely hope is the end of a long dry spell of self-induced separation from NPD. My justification is that if I don't take time out for life, I won't have anything to write about. So, for a multi-generational novel you need to spend time with your multi-generational family, so that just what I did. (The event was our 40th wedding anniversary.)
Back at it, I went to an event this week that got me super-charged to do more of all the creative things I do, including not just writing, but working toward turning NPD into a screenplay (Cindi's initial goal) and even working more with video production. Years ago I directed plays, so actually making a movie is not a completely foreign concept.
The event was "Boise Cutters" a local film group at which Will von Tagen, writer, director, actor in "Almosting It" spoke about his production. (This film is just starting to make the rounds...trailer here-- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SaaP57CnTfY) I also had a conversation with Mike Tetro, who worked on the film and is a promoter for "Almosting It". Like so many creative types, Will and Mike are supportive and inspirational to the point that they reach out personally and via social media to include people like myself. They made me feel as though I really could give up everything else and just do my creative work.
The exciting news that is relevant to North Pine Dove today is that tomorrow I leave for Minnesota where Cindi and I will hit numerous libraries to absorb a last bit of vibe from, specifically, young women of the early 1900's. This is something that, in retrospect, would have been smart to do from day one. (Next time, I'll be smarter.) It seems that the UND Chester Fritz Library in Grand Forks has a floor and willing employees who have access to diaries and other writings of young women of that era. We will also be headed to the University of Minnesota, where there is a digitized copy of the early East Grand Forks papers. There are some resources that you just can't access online. While on our last round of scooping up material, we also hope to meet with those in EGF who have indicated an interest in helping us to promote NPD in the region. We particularly look forward to doing a little "work" at Whitey's Bar and Grill...scene of the crime, er, historical events.
Then, we're looking at some final edits and BOOM. It's a book---either with an agent or indie published! This summer was our goal all along and here we are. Go time!